Platform banking
As banking industry is moving towards an inflection point with the following constraints:
- Reducing fee income and interest income
- threats from Fintech and bigtechs
- increased customer expectations
- More stringent regulatory
These constraints force financial institutions to re-look their business model, which traditionally has been selling and servicing banking products. Platform banking is a model by which banks deal not only with non-banking financial products like life insurance, general insurance, and wealth management products but also lifestyle products in partnership with B2C commerce players in the market. These operate on a bi-model economy with profit sharing, footfall revenue, lead conversion income, etc.
Success factors
- Digital first — The platform design needs to consider the digital-first viewpoint regarding products and processes.
- Cloud first — Hybrid cloud becomes a natural choice for all-new capabilities and a progressive cloudification of existing capabilities.
- AI first — The existing capabilities are augmented through AI on-prem and fintech partners. Potential areas are risk, pricing, NBA, sales & marketing.
- Event driven — Event-driven fabric-based architecture, where components collaborate on events rather than the traditional way of interfaces
- Zero trust-based — Absolute zero trust architecture at all levels, including new generation capabilities such as homomorphic computing
Different models
Three models which are more predominant in the market are the following:
- Minimalist banking platform
- BEYOND banking platform
- Ecosystem banking platform
Minimalist banking platform
This model is targeted more toward business and operational efficiency. This is a good starting point for any financial institution that wants to put their first step in platform-based banking:
The key features of this model are the following:
- Oriented towards the operational efficiency of business
- Lesser time to market new products
- The business can wire and launch new user journeys
- Catalogs (stores) with options from multiple sources so that bank can decide on the components which need to be wired
- Augmented with necessary capabilities such as AI
These are the leading indicators:
- Investment — Minimal
- ROI — Faster
- Operational efficiency — a significant improvement
- User experience index — NA
- Revenue increase — NA
- Cost optimization — Significant improvement
BEYOND Banking platform:
This next model is suited for well-established broad universal banking with a diversified customer base. The critical KPI of this is model is revenue generation
The key differentiating features are:
- Oriented towards the operational efficiency of business
- Lesser time to market new products
- The business can wire and launch new user journeys
- Catalogs (stores) with options from multiple sources so that businesses can decide on the components which need to be wired
- Augmented with necessary capabilities such as AI, automation, Cloud, containers, and DevSecops, which get provisioned as automation flows.
Leading indicators are the following:
- Investment — Marginally high
- ROI — Medium with recurring returns
- Operational efficiency — NA
- User experience index — Marginal
- Revenue increase — Significant
- Cost optimization — NA
Ecosystem banking platform
This is the most matured platform banking model where the financial institution extends beyond financial products into lifestyle products. This model needs effective governance in on-boarding, KYC, reconciliation, dispute, and settlement mechanisms.
The key features are the following:
- Oriented towards the operational efficiency of business
- Lesser time to market new products
- Businesses can wire and launch new user journeys
- Catalogs (stores) with options from multiple sources so that businesses can decide on the components which need to be wired
- Augmented with necessary capabilities such as AI, automation, Cloud, containers, and DevSecops, which get provisioned as automation flows.
The leading indicators are:
- Investment — Significantly high
- ROI — Medium with recurring returns
- Operational efficiency — NA
- User experience index — Significant
- Revenue increase — Significant
- Cost optimization — NA
This type of banking model can be achieved with specific standard capabilities which can be leveraged across business units:
Architecture tenets
- Event-driven architecture
- Low code
- Gamification
- In-stream analytics
- Vanilla RPA
- AI-infused RPA
- Simple chatbots
- NLP based chatbots
- AR
- Blockchain
- KYC store and expose for partner products
- Smart contracts
- Underwriting efficiency
Process acceleration
- AI-based KYC, Fraud detection, AML, and Text recognition
- Analytics-based risk management
- Alternate credit score (family wealth, education, etc.)